We took a one month break and spent June with our son in Tuscany. This was supposed to be our honeymoon in 2020 but we had to postpone it somewhat due to covid. Then there were three of us.

We decided on a location around Siena as it’s a great starting point for daytripping. The drive was long so we made a stop about half way at Fratta Polesine, where we found a nice guesthouse with some amazing food at Albergo Palladio. Also we got to check out the nearby Palladio’s villa.

Next day we made the second stretch towards Crete Senesi, the area of our home for a month. Driving is much tougher with a toddler in the back, so we had to limit time spent in the car.

Our home at Podere Le Splandole was a beautiful old farmhouse located on a hill overlooking the surrounding fields which drastically changed colors in the coming month. The owner Michele and his family welcomed us kindly and were super accommodating. We got to use their private lawn and inflate our kiddie pool. Thank you again, Iadevaia famiglia.

The hills around our farm were spectacular. I could just look out the window all day. There were lots of strolling paths as well and Crete Senesi just seemed super peaceful. Amazing landscapes everywhere. From what we explored it was our favourite area. Val d'Orcia was a close second.

The days were slow and easy. We visited the local markets, got that 0km food, cooked a lot, tried tons of prosciutto, mozzarella and wine. Just living that Italian life I guess. When we weren’t at the farmhouse splashing in the kiddie pool we were making day trips to nearby towns. Siena was our neighbour which we visited regularly for a cup of coffee, groceries etc. It's a beautiful city.

We also drove north to Monteriggioni and San Gimignano, which was of course quite packed but for a good reason. It’s super famous. Definitely not to miss though. We didn’t see Florence as it was a bit further north, much more crowded and way hotter than the south. I did go to Metallica concert one evening though.

Road south to Asciano was also spectacular. One of the most scenic roads I’ve ever driven. And onwards to the hidden gem of Lucignano d'Asso.

Our few trips to Val d'Orcia took us through Montalcino, Bagno Vignoni, Monticchiello and Pienza. One spot more beautiful than the next.



Crete Senesi

and our home


San Gimignano


Lucignano d'Asso


Abbey of Sant'Antimo

Val d'Orcia & Bagno Vignoni

